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Serena Zheng

With almost 10 years of experience in medical aesthetics and plastic surgery, Serena Zheng has trained hundreds of doctors and nurses on injection techniques for the Canadian Association of Medical Aesthetics (CAMA). She is also the InMode clinical trainer for devices such as Morpheus, Forma, and Lumecca. She graduated from Queen's University with a Bachelor's degree in Nursing and is currently a member of the CRNA CNO, RNAO and ISPAN. She has worked with and received extensive training from renowned cosmetic physicians in Canada and USA such as Dr. Cory Togerson, Dr. Shawn Seit, and Dr. Oakley Smith. She is also working towards her master’s degree in the Nurse Practitioner program.

Serena prides herself in her artistic approach of combining aesthetic art and medical technology to enhance her client's natural beauty. She brings passion, dedication and artistry to help women radiate beauty and elegance. She is also committed to bringing aesthetics as self-care for men.

Serena Zheng毕业于著名的加拿大皇后大学,拥有护理学学士学位,目前也是CRNA, CNO, RNAO和ISPAN的成员。Serena先后师从业内声名显赫的整容专家Arthur Swift博士、Cory Togerson博士、Oakley Smith博士和Shawn Seit博士等学习整容理论和实操技术,拥有超过10年的美容和整形手术经验。她完美地结合美学艺术和医疗技术,细腻地提升客户的自然美感,特别是对眼部周围细节的处理,在业内享有盛誉。Serena正以她的热情专注和职业经验帮助女性展现美丽迷人的优雅魅力,帮助男士们展现英俊帅气的绅士气质

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